Guide for Authors
Papers published in the International Journal of Electroactive Materials present the results of significant original research that has not been published previously.
Cover Letter
The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter from the corresponding author addressed to the Editor-in-Chief. The letter should state the following:
• The research is the authors' own original work
• The work is unpublished (or if published, then only for academic purposes, i.e., as a thesis, dissertation, or report)
• The work is not being considered for publication elsewhere
Review Process
To ensure quality, each paper will be reviewed by independent referees. During the online submission process, the authors should suggest three referees who are qualified to review their paper. The referee(s) selected by the editor may not necessarily be chosen from this list.
This journal operates as single-blind review process. The manuscript will be initially assessed by the chief editor for suitability for the journal.
Manuscript Components
In a single manuscript file, include the title of the paper, name and postal address of author(s), email address of the corresponding author, abstract, keywords, 1. Introduction, 2. Experimental, 3. Results and discussion, 4. Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, and Figures/Tables with captions.
Manuscript Preparation
The International Journal of Electroactive Materials accepts Research Papers, Short Communications, Reviews and Short Reviews.
Research Papers should not exceed 4500 words. The counted words include title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, table caption, figure caption and references. For the short communications (letters), manuscript must not exceed 2000 words plus 3 figures and 1 table (or maximum of 4 figures).
Text should be in English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of the two).
Manuscripts should be prepared as a Microsoft Word (any version) and PDF (for review process) document using A4 paper size. The manuscript should be prepared in single-column, double-spaced 12-pt font, preferably Times New Roman. Leave a blank space in between paragraphs.
Include a self-contained Abstract of not more than 150 words. The content must be covered the purpose, approach (methodology), findings and novelty.
Three to five keywords must be provided after the Abstract. For example, Keywords: Batteries; Alkaline; Zinc; Discharge; Zinc oxide.
Figures/Tables with their captions should be embedded in an appropriate in the text and bold. Figures/Tables and their captions should be appeared on the same page. To distinguish Figures/Tables/Captions from main text, author is suggested to make a line space between them. Figures need to be presented as one piece (to avoid scattering of the image when transferred to another document/format). Authors are encouraged to prepare Figures in color.
In the text, references should be noted by in-line Arabic numerals in square brackets [ ], example:
"John et al. [1–3] measured..."
References must be cited as follows:
Journal articles;
1. M. Abtew, G. Selvaduray, Mater. Sci. Eng. R-Rep. 27 (2000) 95–141.
2. T.C. Chang, J.W. Wang, M.C. Wang, M.-H. Hon, J. Alloy. Compd. 422 (2006) 239–243.
3. E. McCafferty, Introduction to Corrosion Science, Springer, New York (2010), pp 20–21.
Chapter in book;
4. R.P. Hamlen, T. Artwater, Metal/air Batteries, in: D. Linden, T.B. Reddy (Eds.), Handbook of Batteries, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001, pp. 38.1-38-53.
5. R. Othman, A.H. Yahaya, A.K. Arof, in: J. John (Ed), Proceedings of Regional Conference on Electrical Engineering, 8-9th August 2000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
6. A.A. Mohamad, Alkaline Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries, Universiti Malaya, PhD Thesis, 2004.
7. A. Miura, R. Okazaki, K. Takata, T. Ohira, Zinc-alkaline Battery, US Patents 4735876, 1988.
If you submitting a paper from a conference, after References, please write “Paper presented at ABC2019, 16–18 January 2019, XYZ Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia”
Tips: Please refer to our latest published article for the updated format.
Page Charge
This journal is an open-access journal. Open-access papers have high publicity values because they are easy to find online and can be downloaded free-of-charge by anyone and anywhere.
Although the journal is free for its readers, the editor needs to cover the costs of proofreading, file management, website hosting, and publication infrastructure. Normally, publishing cost is shouldered by the authors and their institutions.
However, for the time being, all submitted manuscripts will NOT be subjected to any page, color, or article-processing charges in case of acceptance.